Exercise is one of the best ways to increase testosterone naturally. Low testosterone (Low T) is medically referred to as Male hypogonadism.
The condition is also called Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome.
Low Testosterone affects over 50% of men aged over 80, and over 40% of men aged over 45 years. But it is easy to slow-down the reduction of T levels, as well as raise your production of the male hormone.
There are foods that help testosterone production. These are the natural sources of testosterone – including your favorite fresh fruits and vegetables. Luckily, there are testosterone supplements for those of us who desire to get more muscle mass, feel that energy rush and perform better in bed. One of the best testosterone boosters is Test-RX.
The ways to increase testosterone naturally include weight lifting, diet modification, getting enough quality sleep and losing weight. Testosterone injections are also available under a doctor’s prescription. This is called testosterone replacement therapy.
But what is Testosterone?
How To Increase Testosterone Naturally with Food, Herbs and Exercise
What is Testosterone?
Testosterone is a male sex hormone. It is the primary male hormone that is produced in the testicles. It is crucial during the sexual development of a man.
Testosterone plays a key role in the development of the testes, penis and the prostate. It is the hormone that causes secondary male sexual characteristics. As a result, having enough of this hormone is one of the best ways of how to make your dick bigger.

Short but intense! Weight-lifting is one of the best ways to increase testosterone naturally
These include increased body hair (especially the beard and hair on the chest), muscle growth, deepening of the voice and increased sex drive. Most of the testosterone is produced in the testicles, but the adrenal glands also produce some testosterone. Women produce low amounts of testosterone too – in the ovaries.
Causes of Low Testosterone
The amount of testosterone produced, and the decline, is different in every person. But most men achieve peak testosterone levels between the ages of 30 and 40. Consequently, aging is the biggest cause of low testosterone. The leading causes of low testosterone are:
- Aging – production of testosterone decreases gradually as we age. T levels start to decrease mostly from the age of 40.
- Lack of enough sleep – testosterone levels peak while we are asleep. But according to this sleep study, this needs to be quality sleep – at least 3 hours of slow-wave sleep (SWS), the deepest phase experienced during NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep. According to the study, “the subsequent decrease in testosterone depends on the duration of wakefulness; decreasing more with prolonged wakefulness”.
- Injury – or infection in the testis
- Primary hypogonadism – when the testes, for any reason, don’t function properly
- Lack of enough exercise
- Obesity – processed foods are leading causes of obesity. In addition, they are high in sugar, salt and bad fats that raise cholesterol levels in the body.
- Hormonal imbalance – and excess oestrogen.
- Alcoholism – but moderate drinking of drinks such as the green tea shot is beneficial to male sexual health
- Chemotherapy – for any of the many cancers
- Cigarette smoking
- Medications – especially steroids, antidepressants and opioid pain medications
- Severe stress
- Several health conditions – including HIV, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and uncontrolled diabetes
Low Testosterone Symptoms
Testosterone levels reduce gradually. So much so that the symptoms of low testosterone usually come as a surprise to many men.
Since this hormone is mainly responsible for the energy and sexual drive, low testosterone symptoms are mostly evident in the sexual department. They include:
- Erectile dysfunction (ED) and weak erection – testosterone stimulates the production of nitric oxide which boosts blood flow, thereby promoting strong erection and the ability to shoot loads further. One of the best supplements for ED is VigRX Plus pills.
- Low sexual drive – men who have enough testosterone have good stamina. Aging causes ad decrease in sex drive. But low T causes an unusual lack of libido.
- Low semen volume – many men desire to learn how to cum more. Low T is one of the main causes of low semen volume.
- Smaller testicles – and a softer scrotum
- Unnatural fatigue and decreased energy levels – even when you have had a lot of rest. Men who have low T are more likely to avoid any physical exercises.
- Loss of muscle mass – leading to weakening and wasting of muscles; and lower body strength.
- Growth of man boobs – low testosterone coupled with increased levels of estrogen cause enlargement of breasts in men.
- Loss of bone mass – which may lead to fractures
- Increase in body fat – leading to abdominal obesity that is mostly characterized by “love handles”
- Mood changes (mood swings) – men who have low testosterone experience more depression, anxiety, irritability and increased lack of focus.
- Low self-esteem – and a reduced sense of well-being.
How to Increase Testosterone Naturally
The best ways to increase testosterone naturally are:

Testosterone increases muscle mass and boosts energy levels
- Exercise and build muscle – resistance training is more effective in boosting testosterone levels. Men who lift weights and do strength-training workouts notice a bigger increase in testosterone levels. Notice that chronic endurance exercises that go on for hours, such as cycling and running, actually decrease testosterone levels. This is because the body perceives lengthy exercise as a form of stress, and ends up releasing the stress hormone called cortisol. Elevated cortisol levels can lead to impotence and low sex drive – and less testosterone.
- Lose weight – obesity is a leading cause of low testosterone and erection problems.
- Get enough sleep – at least 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep every night.
- Watch what you eat – go for lean meat and avoid foods that have a lot of salt, sugar and Trans fats.
- Reduce stress – stress causes the body to produce cortisol, a hormone that causes many male sexual health problems. Having a pet, such as any of the non-shedding, hypoallergenic dogs, is a great way to reduce stress.
- Take a dietary supplement – such as this testosterone supplement
- Testosterone therapy – this can include injections, patches and gels prescribed by a doctor. But this therapy comes with several health risks, including the risk of heart attack and prostate cancer.
Natural Sources of Testosterone
Foods that Boost Testosterone Level
The following are some of the best sources of the minerals and vitamins that help the body produce testosterone.
Vitamin D – Lack of enough Vitamin D also reduces the amount of testosterone produced in the testes. Vitamin D is made in the skin when it is exposed to sunlight. But one of the most important constituents of vitamin D is Vitamin D3. This compound increases the production of testosterone.
Vitamin D and D3 are readily available in the following foods:
- Fatty fish and fish oil: Salmon, herring and sardines
- Canned tuna
- Mushrooms
- Beef liver
- Egg yolk
- Cod liver oil
- Fortified foods: Soy milk, Orange juice, cereals and cow’s milk that is fortified with vitamin D. You can find out whether a food is fortified with vitamin D by checking the label.
Zinc – This mineral is readily available in most fresh fruits and vegetables. The cum holy grail ingredient helps increase testosterone levels in the body. Some of the foods that are rich in zinc include:
- Fresh fruits that boost sperm count:
- Pomegranates
- Bananas
- Pumpkins
- Pineapples
- Watermelon
- Avocados
- Peaches
- Oysters, shellfish, crabs and lobsters and flounders (one of the species of flatfish)
- Meat: Chicken, beef, lamb and pork
- Seeds: pumpkin, watermelon, hemp, squash and sesame seeds
- Fortified cereals and whole grains (rice, wheat, oats and quinoa). Oatmeal (from hulled oat grains) is also a great source of zinc.
- Sesame and pumpkin seeds
- Eggs – especially the egg-yolk
- Ginger and Onions
- Nuts: Cashew nuts, pine nuts, almonds and macadamia nuts
- Legumes: Peas, green peas, chickpeas, beans (including baked beans, Lima beans and kidney beans) and lentil sprouts
- Dairy products: Yogurt, cheese and low-fat milk
- Extra-virgin olive oil
- Leafy green vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, kale and asparagus
- Okra (a vegetable that is grown for its edible seed pods)
Herbs that Increase Testosterone Naturally
One of the best male health tips is to go herbal. The following herbs are good at boosting testosterone levels, reducing stress and providing the nutrients necessary for good sexual health.
1. Ashwagandha
The name Ashwagandha in Sanskrit (an Indian language) means “smelling like a horse” – from the smell of its root. Other names for this herb are Withania somnifera, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry and winter cherry. This evergreen shrub produces orange-red fruit. This fruit and the tree’s roots have been used for ages to create medicinal preparations.
2. Tongkat Ali
This herb is also known as Long Jack and Malaysian ginseng. Tongkat Ali has been observed to help reduce stress, balance male hormones and improve testosterone production. The roots of this herb have been used for ages as an anti-aging remedy. It improves libido, boosts energy and helps in weight loss.
3. Tribulus Alatus
Caltrops grow best in arid regions (mostly in the Sahara desert and the Middle east). There are many famous herbs in this plant family – over 50 species. Tribulus Terrestris is the most well-known Caltrop herb.
Tribulus Alatus also belongs to this plant family. Extracts are obtained from this herb’s aerial parts that are used by athletes and bodybuilders as a natural testosterone enhancer.
4. Fenugreek
The leaves and seeds of Fenugreek are used in dishes, mostly in Asia and North Africa. This herb has been used to cure ED, enhance male infertility, relieve digestive and skin conditions and to increase libido. This is one of the main ingredients in the top testosterone boosters.
5. Agaricus Bisporus
This is an edible mushroom that grows in Europe and North America. It can be eaten raw, and is beneficial for people suffering from type-2 diabetes, cancer, digestion problems, cardiovascular issues and arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries). Agaricus Bisporus has antioxidants and phytosterols (compounds that reduce cholesterol levels).
6. Brassica Campestris
The common name for this plant is the Field mustard. Its seeds are used to make Canola oil that is used in baking cooking and food processing. Extracts of Brassica Campestris help lower bad cholesterol and increase testosterone naturally.
7. Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
This perennial flowering plant grows widely – in Africa, Europe and Asia. The leaves have hair-like protrusions that cause stinging, hence its name. It can even help to stay warm – by rubbing it on the body!
Other medicinal uses of Stinging Nettle roots and leaves extracts include relief from arthritis, inflammation, high blood pressure as well as boosting testosterone production.
Overcome Low Testosterone Naturally
Low testosterone comes naturally with age. But these are easy ways to boost the production of the all-important male hormone. In addition, these ways to increase testosterone naturally are also good for cardiovascular and general body health. Adding a dietary testosterone supplement is another good way to quickly increase testosterone naturally.
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